Documents and Useful websites

  1. Planning Application for 'Outline Approval' has been made - use this link. 32 Documents!
  2. Main headings for links and documents:
    - Air Quality
    - Planning Policy
    - Arguments and Issues


  1. Lynsted Parish Council Meeting: 29th February: Community Report on what we heard.
  2. Swale Borough Council Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) Order No.5 (Teynham) - Councillor Simmons agreed to look for suitable sites to increase monitoring points along our bit of the A2. The reference to Teynham is shorthand for the whole community on both sides of the A2.
  3. Full Teynham Air Quality Technical Report (PDF)
  4. Ospringe Street AQMA LAQM Further Assessment (Jan 2013) PDF. An update on the first survey of 2020 - more pessimistic.
  5. Swale Annual Reports on Local Air Quality Management (LAQM):: 2013 Report:: 2014 Report (identified "exceedence" of regulatory 'safe levels' of harmful pollution.)
  6. Local Air Quality Management - Technical Guidance can be downloaded. (PDF 2.45Mb, 318 pages). This document supports Local Authorities in carrying out their duties under the Environment Act 1995 and subsequent Regulations. These Review and Assessments form the cornerstone of the system of Local Air Quality Management (LAQM).
  7. KentAir Website - tracking air quality is a bit haphazzard on this site - the Ospringe AQMA Site appears not to be online all the time. The Teynham AQMA Automatic Measurement does not appear to be in place yet.
  8. World Health Organisation (WHO) Technical Report on_Harmful_Air_Pollution (2013) PDF. Answers 24 questions on air pollution and health aspects. It combines the latest thinking on what is "safe" - observing that lower levels of pollutants (since 2005 review) are harmful.
  9. Kent Environment Strategy (March 2016) - PDF Download from KCC.
  10. WHO Report on Health Effects of Black Carbon (Harmful Particulates) (2012) PDF.
  11. WHO Health effects of Particulate Matter (2013) PDF. Good plain English introduction - written for Eastern Europe, but science remains the same.

Kent Air - describing wider pollution across the Kent county

National Air Monitoring Service and Resource - Low detail at local level. National background figures.


National Planning Searchable Guidelines Website

  1. Sketch Plan for 120 homes (Picture)
  2. Aerial View of Site, including adjacent land offered by landowner for 170 more homes. (Picture)
  3. Agricultural Land south of A2 is classified as "Excellent" (Borough Planners should protect from development) (Picture)
  4. National Planning Policy Framework (2012) PDF. A key document governing planning authorities.
  5. National Planning Policy Guidance - online Government Resource. For the first time, planning practice guidance is easily accessible, searcheable.

Planning Application for 120 homes

Not All Documents are Equal

Remember the key issues:-
* Unsuitability of Lynsted Lane for increased traffic congestion
* "Prematurity" - The advanced state of "Bearing Fruits" Borough Plan cannot be ignored by Swale Borough Council - this is Government Policy
* Pollution Effects are Cumulative: our health is already going to be damaged by ALL the developments identified in the Draft Borough Plan - an opportunistic development only adds to our problems. The Essex Developers already confirm this is true.

Every change (however small) made by Developers
means the 'start gun' is fired again by the SBC Planning Department
who will not automatically make a link with your earlier communications.
Daft but true



The developers have provided some 32 documents alongside their application for Outline Planning approval. It is easy to be overwhelmed and bogged down by the volume and technical nature of many of those documents.

What Next?




Keep an eye on this page!

On the face of it, these meetings are encouraging but .... always a 'but' ....

So, let's not hold our breath - keep vigilant.


29th February Parish Council Presentation. Our report on what more than 20 residents heard at the Lynsted Parish Council meeting that invited Essex developers (Scott Property Group) wanting to build on fields next to houses on the south side of the A2. We also heard about the dangerous levels of pollution that we are already experienceing. Community Report.

11th April Public Exhibitions in Teynham Community Hall (1pm to 4pm) and Belle Friday Centre (5.30pm to 8pm).

Our Community - why "Greenstreet"?

Until just after World War 1, the whole residential and commercial community on both sides of London Road was officially recognised as "Greenstreet" because this was the main population between Faversham and Sittingbourne. It was the Post Office (Faversham) who wanted to identify the Parishes separately. Since then, there has been a lack of clear identity for our Community in the business of our two Parish Councils. It is worrying that Swale Borough Council has identified the new proposals with "Teynham" although it falls entirely in Lynsted Parish.


Perry Court (Faversham) - Approved - 1st April 2016

Perry Court (Faversham) greenfield site is agreed for development because SBC fear legal challenges that they cannot afford to defend even if policy guidance steers local authorities away from using highest grade agricultural land (greenfield) and ignores fears about pollution - ignoring the "cumulative impact" on existing polluted areas like Teynham/Lynsted. As Councillor Simmons put it after this frustrating planning meeting: "
- Kent online report
- Councillor Simmons's speech - 31st March Planning Committee Public Meeting

1st April resident's letter arguing that this proposal is getting a bit ahead of itself - so called "prematurity".

Points raised

Full document can be read here (PDF)


PARISH COUNCIL MEETING on 29th February 2016

London Road and Lynsted Lane under threat from Dangerous Pollution levels and 120 new homes

Over 20 Lynsted Parishioners attended Lynsted with Kingsdown Parish Council’s meeting on Monday 29th February to hear about two related and important issues that affect all of us along the A2 and Lynsted Lane.

An extremely unprofessional presentation was given by Essex developers, Scott Properties, who want to build 120 houses on the field lying immediately behind the existing homes along the south of London Road (ME9 9QH), in Lynsted Parish. Vehicular access for approximately 300 cars (that is an estimated 600+ extra vehicle movements each day: commuting, shopping, school-runs, deliveries, bin collections, etc) will flow into Lynsted Lane.

Unfortunately for them the first line of their presentation was known not to be true! Their claim that Swale Borough Council (SBC) had offered “positive support” for this proposal misrepresents the case. Their presentation was not helped by using the wrong postcode in their submission to SBC, putting the site clearly on the Teynham/Frognal Lane side of London Road. This schoolboy error led them to give a presentation to Teynham Parish Council on the plans!

The risk to residents is that SBC does lump Parish Council areas together to weaken arguments against development encroaching further south of the A2. So, their paperwork lumps this part of Lynsted Parish into "Teynham".

They went on to misrepresent SBC’s position by claiming SBC did not have the required “5 year plan”. This is misleading. SBC are currently reviewing their draft 5-year plan as required by Government Planning Inspectors. The facts are:

The developers didn’t know that the land (even after brick-earth extraction) has been classified by central government (DEFRA 2005) as “excellent” agricultural land. The most productive and most flexible agricultural land.

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF - 2012) states “Local planning authorities should take into account the economic and other benefits of the best and most versatile agricultural land. Where significant development of agricultural land is demonstrated to be necessary, local planning authorities should seek to use areas of poorer quality land in preference to that of a higher quality.” This land has for many years been rejected by SBC for good reasons.

It was clear the developers had not done their homework:

When asked directly “what would be the benefits to the local community?” the developers fell silent and then a voice from the floor was heard to say - “that would be none then!” They did offer up a footpath going south from London Road to the development. We had to explain the path already existed and they were planning to build over most of it!

If this plan goes ahead, it would set a precedent and may look attractive to the landowners of the parcel of land along the back of the rest of the houses off the A2 leading onto Claxfield Lane (which is currently said to be suitable for 157 more homes) and possibly turning Claxfield Lane into a major junction.

The current “draft” site plan is on the Swale planning portal or as a PDF file on this site or as an image here.

The developers have promised a community consultation open day prior to any plans being formally submitted. If you want to be kept in touch please email

The Second Topic – Pollution on London Road

Cllr David Simmonds (SBC Cabinet Member for the Environment and Rural Affairs) reported that SBC had made an Order (February 2016) to establish an Air Quality Management Area (No.5) along London Road where it passes through Lynsted/Teynham Parishes. The “crunch” for everyone living, working, shopping and travelling along London Road is that pollution concentrations have already hit dangerous levels of nitrogen-dioxide poisoning.

Pollution is difficult to see
Seeing exhaust invisible exhaust

Today's pollution is completely different to the 'smogs' or 'peasoupers' of the 1950s and earlier. The harmful gases today are invisible and odourless, the particles are several times smaller that the width of one of your hairs. Most of this type of pollution along the A2 comes from diesel engines of lorries and vans. Many vehicles come from Europe and do not meet the most modern emission standards. So, pollution levels are rising with trade flows and will not reduce any time soon, especially with the recently approved doubling of capacity of the Fowler Welch coldstore.

Transport is responsible for 80% of all NOx pollution on UK road links outside London. This is due to both the significant growth in vehicle numbers over the last ten years and the emissions standards not delivering the expected reductions under real world driving conditions (rather than laboratory conditions). [Source: DEFRA]

Mortality Figures: An estimate of an effect on mortality equivalent to 23,500 deaths annually in the UK has been made on the basis of NO2 concentrations. Many of the sources of NOx are also sources of particulate matter (PM). The impact of exposure to small particulate matter pollution (PM2.5) is estimated to have an effect on mortality equivalent to nearly 29,000 deaths in the UK. There may be overlap between these two estimates of mortality, but the combined impact of these two pollutants is a significant challenge to public health. Recommended limits for exposure have been set taking account of guidelines by the World Health Organisation.

The smallest particles pass through membranes and into our blood and lung tissues.

Particulate sizes

We are not alone. Previous Orders have already been made along the A2 at Ospringe, two sites in Sittingbourne, and Newington. Swale has now to explore strategies (if they can) to reduce harmful pollution all along the residential areas facing onto the A2 where traffic accelerates, decelerates and stops.

Pollution is concentrated:-

street canyons

When buying or renting their properties on the A2, residents said they accepted the traffic (including noise and light pollution) in front of their properties – but that was offset by the sanctuary given by their gardens and the ‘lung’ of fresh air coming from the south-west (the prevailing wind direction). Significant building on those fields would further pollute residents with no respite.

Cllr Simmons agreed to look at adding pollution measurement points all along the built-up area of London Road.

All efforts have so far failed to improve our air quality. In fact, all types of traffic have increased in recent years as more lorries and cars join the A2 – so, pollution levels are rising (recently measured and confirmed at Ospringe, which shares our traffic and the same problems).

National Planning Policy Framework (2012) says: “In preparing plans to meet development needs, the aim should be to minimise pollution and other adverse effects on the local and natural environment. Plans should allocate land with the least environmental or amenity value, where consistent with other policies in this Framework.”

The pollution will affect residents, shoppers, visitors, cyclists, pedestrians and car users. We already face worsening conditions when the Fowler Welch development opens its extension and doubles its flow of lorries (the worst and most dangerous polluters). If SBC allows any more housing developments between Faversham and Sittingbourne we will be polluted even further! Without the long promised southern relief road, new traffic can only go east or west along the A2 – there is no escape.

Where does this leave us?

This is not the only part of Lynsted Parish that is under threat!

If you want to know more, or would like some info into how to make your views known to Swale Borough Council, go to for further details. If you would like to be kept up to date with issues affecting our Parish, email


Last updated: 29-Aug-2016


Useful Contact List
at the bottom of this column

  1. SWALE BOROUGH COUNCIL TIMETABLE - PDF posted 4th April 2016. Take a look at the Library of documents on SBC website (HINT: search on year to find latest documents)
  2. Lynsted Parish Council agendas and Minutes - decisions are made on your behalf. Make sure you are aware of changes, policies, decisions and services by visiting the Parish Council website regularly.....avoid any surprises.
  3. Developer's Public Exhibitions: 11th April 2016
  4. 1st April, resident letter to Swale BC, councillors, and Parish Councils explaining concerns about "PREMATURITY" and new policy constraints attached to harmful pollution being found along our stretch of the A2. Opportunism by developers is no substitute for proper consultative processes and Borough planning.
  5. SPECIAL GREEN SPACES. Resident's nomination of the "sensitive edge" to the south of the London Road as "Special Green Space" based on the democratic arguments found in - Lynsted Parish Design Statement.


Snap shots of what we most value
- the "sensitive edge", access to clean air, historic patterns of development, and productive land.

Media Stories

  1. Teynham PC last ditch objection to brick-earth extraction at Barrow Green adding even more lorries to our roads. (10th March 2016)
